May 18, 1957 - Jun 18, 1957
Műcsarnok (Hall of Arts), Budapest, Hungary
Henry Moore’s first exhibition in Hungary in 1961 presented mere photos of his works along with a few small bronze sculptures. Nevertheless, following the years of Stalinism and the fall of the 1956 revolution it was only the second opportunity to encounter modern and contemporary art from Western Europe, the first being the French book exhibition of 1959 that presented art books along with framed reproductions.
The 1967 show already presented a substantial collection, which was touring the region, stopping in Bucharest, Bratislava and Prague in 1966. The wider context of the Budapest shows, Moore’s reception in the Eastern Bloc (and in Yugoslavia), is explored in ‘The Modern Idol: Henry Moore in the Eastern Bloc’, an exhibition organized by Lujza Kotočová, Alina Șerban and Daniel Véri (Bucharest, 2021–2022). |