Jul 5, 1975 - Jul 30, 1975
Algiers, Algeria
In 1975 Yugoslav Museum of People’s Revolution in Belgrade was tasked to organize an exhibition thematically depicting the Yugoslav people’s liberation struggle (Narodnooslobodilačka borba) in WWII against German, Italian, Hungarian, and other fascists. The show was to be sent to Algeria. As one of the original nonaligned member states, and a country which Yugoslavia supported during its war of independence, Alegria represented an important ally.
The exhibition entitled The People’s Liberation Struggle in the Work of Yugoslav Artists was an example of how politically engaged art about the Yugoslav Partisan struggle was used to build political and cultural ties and solidarity. It was, of course, no coincidence that art depicting Partisan struggle against a much stronger fascist, imperialist enemy reinforced the political discourse behind Algeria’s own war of independence against colonialism.

Exhibition catalogue entry with reproduction of Marijan Detoni's painting "Attack at Dawn," exhibition catalogue "NOB u delima likovnih umetnika Jugoslavije," Algeria, July 5-30, 1975. (author's image collection).