Jan 30, 1976 - Mar 25, 1976
The Museum of Modern Art, New York City, USA
Organized by the Muzeum sztuki in Łódź (MSŁ) in Poland, which also owned all of the displayed works, the show included artworks by Władysław Strzemiński, Katarzyna Kobro, Henryk Stażewski, and Karol Hiller. This touring exhibition was conceived by MSŁ director Ryszard Stanisławski. Kynaston McShine made the decisions about the final shape and hanging of the show in New York, but it was the Muzeum sztuki that delivered the exhibition to its destinations, complete with accompanying pedagogical tools (educational texts in English, information about the artists, documentary photographs, wall labels), assuring maximum popularization for the legacy of the Polish avantgarde.
Constructivism in Poland: 1923-1936 offers a fascinating case study of a transatlantic Cold War-era museum collaboration, providing an insight into divergent professional practices and exhibition cultures in East and West. The show subsequently travelled to the Detroit Institute of Art (Jun-July 1976); the Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, NY (Sept-Oct 1976); the Art Institute of Chicago (Nov-Jan 1977); and the Musée d’Art Contemporain, Montréal (Jan-Mar 1977).